Thursday, November 16, 2006


So long Jimmy
You don't mean a thing to me
So long my friend
You were just a traitor

Brother you were to us
Sheltered you from the wild
Smokin',you smile with us
Burnin' to stab the back!

With dying eyes you look me now
Remorse in thy heart
Too late, Oh my friend
Don't mean a thing to me.

So long Jimmy,you
WERE just a traitor
Must see you die
For hell is thy only fate.


Anonymous said...

hey i really liked the poetry coz i like most of urs. nice work. but who betrayed u so badly ???

Sanky said...

no one...its just a poem...very few poems of mine have anything to do with me...

Supreeth said...

Planning to launch a book ?

Anonymous said...

u really r a good poet!!!

Sanky said...

naaah...i just put thoughts into words...

Unknown said...

hmmm.... provoked me to think! good one sank!