Thursday, July 12, 2007

Enchanted Mumblings

They say everything has a meaning, and everything has a purpose. They say God exists. They say. They just keep saying. And they just keep dying, and they just keep giving birth. Over and over again.

They say they want to be in control. Yet, they want to lose dontrol and get "high". They say they want salvation from the cycle of rebirths, and yet, they end up being the reason for the rebirth of a million more.

What is sex all about? Is it about orgasms, or is it just what it was meant to be- A way to keep one's race going? They are so busy trying to stay afloat in the shallow depths of selfishness, that at the end of the day they just want to go home, eat packed food, have a beer, fuck, and go to sleep grumbling about the next day's work.

The say. They want. They make the rules. What about Me? Does anyone give a rat's ass about what i want? Did they give a fuck about what I want when they made the rules?I want to do what I want. Why can't I stay awake when they want to sleep? Is porn morally wrong? If they believe in the Gods, why do they hesitate to say out loud that they believe in the ghosts?

They. They want to judge you. They want to comment. But they, they don't want to think. They want to decide how much you understand, by measuring how much you can memorise without understanding.

Evil. They say killing a life before it's born is evil. When they get the right to create a life, why not have the right to end it before they create it? How different is abortion from boiling an egg? They say "Be Human. Not an animal". Does being intellectually superior take away the reality that Man is afterall an animal?

They. They just keep making the rules, and Me, I just keep grumbling about them, until I get to make the rules. Until I become them. The truth about the cycle of life. Period.


herethereeverywhere said...

Hey buddy, what's bugging you ? Who's 'they' ? There is no 'they'. This is no us and them. Before you know it, you will become they and then what ? So make your own rules, only ensure nobody gets hurt.

Sanky said...

'course i make my own rules....only, can't really care about others, cos they don't care about me when they make the rules!

by the way, nothin's buggin i've said before, most of my posts are not about the thoughts going on in my mind..i try to bring out thoughts of disturbed minds..doesn't mean mine is disturbed too! :)

Anonymous said...

ya thats what we all do grumble till we start making the rules

clearmist said...

whow! very nice :)

Anonymous said...

Your life becomes a puzzle when you try to reach out and find whats beyond, the sentence " work,beear,duck,sleep and grumble abt next day job", shows that a life is a mere cycle. there are lots to do which people dont realise.

At the end of the day, everyone makes their own rules, not necessarily bossed around. If you think you are being bossed around, think again, you ll be in the scenario because of your own rules of the past.

Sanky said...

not necessarily. when u r a kid, and ur parents teach you prayers before bed, u do it. u r not allowed to ask y. after years, u do the same, simply because u did it before. rules.

$}{r@v@n! said...

really intense...